Demonetization 2023

access_time 2023-05-21T16:46:02.743Z face Futurus
Demonetization 2023 The banning of ₹ 2000 had an staggering affect impact on the economy of the country. This blog dives deep to explore a few. May 21, 2023 Demonetization, in simple words, means the process of invalidating a specific currency unit and replacing it with a new currency. How many demo...

How the case of Adani Group and Hindenberg Report changed everything?

access_time 2023-03-07T11:55:30.365Z face Futurus
How the case of Adani Group and Hindenberg Report changed everything? March 7, 2023 Every news outlet and newspaper's top headlines feature the Adani Group and Hindenburg Research. But why is that? Why is the matter receiving so much attention from everyone? The size, really? Is it crucial for us, a...

Credit Card Ultimate Guide

access_time 1675859400000 face Futurus
Credit Card Ultimate Guide In our blog, let's learn why credit cards are hyped, how to reap the full benefits, and be careful about the traps. February 12, 2023 Maximizing Your Benefits: The Ultimate Guide to Using Credit Cards Credit cards have become a convenient and popular financial tool that as...

Life in Investment Banking

access_time 2023-02-12T13:05:06.862Z face Futurus
A life in Investment Banking Sneak Peak into what Investment Banking Role is all about. Know the growth opportunities, challenges, and insights from experts February 1, 2023 A Life in Investment Banking Are you enraptured by the fast-paced world of finance and on the lookout for a challenge? If so, ...

Guide to Mutual Funds

access_time 2023-02-12T12:56:19.391Z face Futurus
Guide to Mutual Funds Learn more about Mutual Funds with Futurus. What are Mutual Funds about? Why You Should Invest Factors You should consider? Mutual Funds: A Guide for Investors Mutual funds are an investment option that allows individual investors to buy a portfolio of different types of securi...